Deciding whether or not to continue a pregnancy is a very personal decision. While no woman’s experience is the same, for many people, abortion comes at an emotional cost.

If you choose to continue your pregnancy but do not feel ready to parent the child, adoption can be an option for you. The adoption process is tough and can be mentally challenging for most women.

If you’re interested in discussing your abortion and adoption options in a safe, supportive environment, our compassionate team at LaVie Pregnancy Care Center is here to listen to you. Be informed about your options so you can decide what’s best for your unique situation.

What Are My Options for Adoption?

If you choose adoption, you decide the details of your adoption plan, such as choosing the family who would adopt your child and what information you want to be disclosed.

Most U.S. adoptions are open, meaning you have a relationship with the adoptive family and child and communicate and visit occasionally.

However, you can also keep all identifying information about yourself sealed by the court. You may receive assistance for your medical and living expenses, which the adoptive family or adoption agency covers.

By choosing adoption, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have so much control over the process.

Mental Struggles of Adoption

Adoption can bring difficult times emotionally. You may have adoption questions going through your mind, including:

  • Will my child resent me for placing them for adoption?
  • Will I change my mind after placing my child for adoption?
  • Can I have an ongoing relationship with my child after adoption?

You may feel confused, sad, or regretful after choosing adoption. These feelings and emotions are valid. Though adoption offers a future for your child, it’s not an easy choice. Having someone to walk by your side during the adoption process is important. You need to feel supported.

Mental Health + Abortion

The mental health aspect of abortion is often under-discussed. According to the National Library of Medicine, “Abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.”

Given pregnancy decisions’ significant and personal nature, it’s important to consider them holistically. Carefully evaluate how continuing or terminating a pregnancy may impact you physically and mentally.

We’re Here for You

Every woman will react differently to adoption and abortion, but you are not alone. no matter what you choose for your unplanned pregnancy. Confirm your pregnancy details and discuss your options at LaVie Pregnancy Care Center today.

First, schedule a no-cost appointment to confirm your pregnancy. Then, we can walk you through all your pregnancy options.