Are you worried you are going to make a decision because of pressure from those close to you? If your friends and family are pressuring you into an abortion decision, know that it’s never okay to feel that way. You never want to make a pregnancy decision based on stress from others, as you could regret it later. It’s important to make your own pregnancy decision.

Take a step back and find peace with yourself before moving forward with a pregnancy decision.

Our caring team at LaVie Pregnancy Care Center can help you explore all your pregnancy options and find the clarity you need.

Talk in a Safe Place

Feeling safe enough to explain your situation without judgment or pressure is important along this unexpected journey.

Feel seen and heard by talking through your most pressing questions and concerns with a trusted mentor or friend. It’s important to be able to be open and honest about your pregnancy situation without feeling pressure in any way.

Free Pregnancy Services & Support

Our compassionate team is here to listen and support you in any way we can. Feel informed about your options so you can decide what’s best for your unique situation.

Before making your final pregnancy decision, we can provide you with lab-quality pregnancy testing and a first-trimester ultrasound at no cost to you.

Schedule an initial no-cost and confidential appointment today to confirm your pregnancy and learn all about your pregnancy options. We’re here for you along the way.