My Partner Is Pressuring Me To Have an Abortion, but I’m Not Sure?

You might feel a mix of emotions right now, and the pressure coming from your partner is not helping. It is important to remember that the final decision regarding your pregnancy is yours alone.   Allow yourself the time and space from your partner to process your emotions before making such a life-changing pregnancy decision. We’re

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How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion?

Dealing with an unexpected pregnancy can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Feeling confused about where to get help or who to ask for advice is normal.  The most important thing you can do when facing an unplanned pregnancy is to gather all the facts you need to make the best choice for your health and future.

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Many women go into an abortion not understanding the emotional effects they will have to work through later in life. There are emotions like anger, sadness, deep regret, and grief to work through. If you’ve had an abortion and are struggling, hope and healing are possible. It’s possible to recover emotionally after an abortion with

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What are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

While we can guess how we will react to an event or a surprise, we often will not know until it happens. This reality can be the case with an abortion experience. According to the Mayo Clinic, abortion is a major decision with emotional and psychological consequences. You could have many emotions, including relief, loss,

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

There are risks to both types of abortion procedures. Medical and surgical abortions have similar risks, including bleeding, cramping, and infection. Here are the facts about the physical risks of abortion so you can consider the health dangers before making your final pregnancy decision. Risks of Medical Abortion Known as the abortion pill, a medical

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

You may be questioning if an online abortion or at-home abortion is safe. As your health is important to protect, here is more information about the safety of this type of abortion. While it seems like the most convenient route, be sure to consider the risks. The Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online Protecting

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Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before an Abortion

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you likely have a lot of questions. Perhaps you feel scared or fearful. It is natural to feel overwhelmed, and you deserve to have all of the facts before making a decision.  If you’re thinking about having an abortion, it is important that you get an ultrasound before undergoing

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